Choose your favourite REM album they said
That's easy we thought - I have a very definite idea
But we were wrong
Oh so wrong
But we did it anyway
Available from itunes podcast/the-33-a-nerd-podcast/ id64952976
TWITTER @33andanerd
You'll have to listen to find out which albums we selected to champion but here are the usual visual aids to the show
REM performing Shiny Happy Monsters On Sesame Street
the performance that sent a young Spencer barreling to his local record shop
REM performing 'Walk Unfraid' as they did in Hyde Park after the 7\7\ London bombings
Recent interview with Peter Buck about his 2nd solo album, that old band and what a retired rock star does all day
STOP PRESS: Since recording this podcast DaveDogFacedBoy has purchased a vinyl copy of REM's last studio album - 'Collapse Into Now' but has not listened to it yet.
The dream continues....